Monday, November 17, 2008

Week 9

The week started with a meeting of the commencement committee. With fall midterms barely behind us, the committee was knee-deep in making arrangements for the end of the year in May. Where does the time go?

We met in the library coffee shop and surrounded ourselves with all of the necessary supplies - pads, pens, Snapple, coffee, and potato chips.

It was a week full of meetings. Here we have the prestigious members of the social/rec committee (or, as well like to call it, the social/wreck committee) planning the big Bagel Bash coming in December. And really, it looked like a social/wreck meeting with the collection of Xbox controllers on the coffee table, the thunder sticks on the floor that were left over from that morning's Sarah Palin ralley, the full Guitar Hero World Tour set up in the corner and...

...Kevin. I mean, have you ever seen a bigger, more social wreck than this guy?? For clarification, that's slightly chewed P'zone hanging out of his mouth. Oh Kevin, where have you been all my life?

And we haven't really had a social/wreck meeting until we've been ambushed by Eric and a raining fire of countless nerf bullets.

Not to be outdone, Kevin decided that when it comes to nerf wars, size matters.

Then one thing led to another and the whole bloomin' arsenal came out.

So naturally, the rest of us had no choice but to grab a gun and start firing at will. Before the evening was over, there were multiple overturned pieces of furniture and one bloody nose (not mine or there would have been a picture of it).

As far as I was concerned, any bullets than landed in the stink were just going to have to stay lost forever. Guys....sheesh. (Note the overturned recliner and coffee table in the background.)

We got our senior picture proofs this week, and since Rupe was the only one of us who actually liked his photos, he won this prestigious spot on the blog.

I was running rather low on pictures for the week, so I've decided to fill space by giving you a behind-the-scenes look at Pixahoy! (David Letterman used to refer to such attempts as "Hal Guerney network time killers".) This is the nerve center. It's the corner of the producer's apartment where the blog magically springs to life - fully equipped with five different versions of the Bible, a Hebrew Torah, a Greek New Testament, Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, a Book of Order, a Book of Confessions, a Book of Common Worship, about a zillion text books, a pile of index cards, and a USB cord that connects the camera to the laptop. It's all very high tech, you see.
This is the fuel that powers the blog - McDonald's coke and prescription medication. (I keed, I keed. Well....actually....I don't.)

This is where the producer kicks off her shoes when she gets home each evening.

This is what the producer does when she is plagued by incurable writer's block - she window shops on Ebay.
This is where the producer hatches all of her best ideas. (Have I killed enough time yet?)

Week 8

Rupe! It's good to see you again, my brother.

I told Emily that nearly every picture I have of her involves a curious display of her tongue. Her response, "Yeah, that's the plan."

I get this look from Andrew at least once a day. Now, you can't tell from the picture, but he's actually about 5'4" and probably weighs 90 pounds dripping wet. In other words, I could snap him in half over my knee. So really, all I have to say to this pose is...isn't he just so precious??

Occasionally Mindy just spontaneously bursts into tears. I think it has something to do with...

...see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. Their presence sometimes reduces me to tears, too.

You may have noticed from these past few pictures that we weren't having chapel in our usual location. (By the way, awesome gaping pie hole, Anne!) We had to move worship across the courtyard when we showed up for chapel and discovered that it had been transformed into...

...THIS!! The undergrads had moved in and (unbeknownst to us) transformed it into their stage for a production of "Wiley and the Hairy Man". Now I don't want to go into any details, but I've known a hairy man or two in my day, and none of them had a very liturgical ethos about them. Clearly, overcoming the swampish environment of the hairy man so that we could worship would be challenging, but I still thought we were up for it. For instance..., from the Garden of Eden, we have the lesser known Tree of the Knowledge of Snot and Weevils. In the background you can see where Jacob props up his ladder when it's not in use.

Here we see the tree where Judas hanged himself, evidenced by the askew limb that had to be bolted back in place...

...and really, isn't it every preacher's dream to proclaim the Word directly in front of the spot where Judas "fell headlong, bursting asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushing out" (Acts 1:18 - see what fascinating things are in the Bible, kids)??? Alas, less creative minds than mine prevailed and chapel was moved across the courtyard.

As a tip-of-the-hat to hairy men everywhere, we decided to go out for some Greek food. Me, Rupe, Kate...

...and this guy. He's so shady. Literally.

I heart Jeff.

Monte, Emily, and Justin are holding something that I'm sure is probably edible. Emily has the gift of hospitality and loves us with food. And really, God bless her for it! We never complain.

The coffee mugs that we carry around with us stand as testimony that we are a seminary that truly celebrates diversity.

This week we also had family chapel (again, far away from the hairy man - for the sake of the children, you see). So Miss Hannah came to play her clarinet.

And Miss Morgan played the violin. Both performances were inspiring.

I think the hairy man is trying to find a way in.

Grant's daughter is wearing the quintessential little girl outfit - a satin kimono, white tights with rainbow hearts on them, and shiny black snow boots! An outfit of all her favorite things! How awesome is that?

Jeff wants my daughter to know that thanks to this blog, he can see her when she's sleeping and knows when she's awake - just like Santa! (Or maybe a hella creepy hairy man.)

Our CNP group (the same group that pilgrimaged to Louisville together) had dinner at Bonnie Sue's house. When Gary arrives, you know the party has really started - mostly because he's awesome, but also because he brings the food.

Look at what a sweet puppy Jessie is! Personally, I think Brad's reaction is proof that vampires have stolen his soul.

We had a big ol' mess of Chinese food! Thanks, Gary!!
At the end of the week, I made a trip home for Halloween. Here we see Indiana Max getting reading to comb the neighborhood for candy with his friends Brandon and Ian. As you can see, it's very serious business.
Zoe's friends went all gansta in our front yard.

Whenever I go home, Max and I don't let the weekend pass without a cut throat game of Quiddler (like Scrabble, only with cards instead of tiles)...

...and as you can see from this hand, while I was busy spelling actual words, Max had nothing in his hand but the lyrics to Old MacDonald.

That's right. I skunked him. HOLLA!!

Zoe never challenges the master at Quiddler on account of she's yella. That's right - you got SERVED, sista!