Please go away, Mr. Spider. I'm scared of you.

This appears to be a very serious late night library conversation among seminarians, but if we pan to the other end of the table, I give you...

...Exhibit A, and also...

...Exhibit B, which were launched by...

...Exhibit C. Good grief.

I have the girls in training for the hamster races coming up at Petco in a few weeks. Bitsy is off like a bullet...

...but Itsy can't figure out how to negotiate the carpet hump, so she's stuck in exile in the land of linoleum.

Max brought this "prize" home from church, of all places - a rubber monkey with FIVE posable appendages. Write your own caption. I dare you.

Miss Emma, my niece, was a five-year-old birthday girl this weekend...

...so we had a picnic in the park!

Here's my brother Tryg, with a face only a mother could love.

And here's his momma! (She's my momma, too.)

I think this is the money shot SRS has been waiting for.

Yes, my nephew was the only kid in the park wearing a cape. But a dude has got to have some bodacious confidence in the power of the force to pull off that look. But seriously, folks...don't screw with General Grievous.

We had an afternoon of climbing...

...and crawling...

...and spinning!

I'm so jealous that her tiny butt fits in that thimble of a seat.

General Grievous needs his mom to get a splinter out of his hand.