Have I mentioned lately how much I love this choir? 'Cause I do.

As Elissa and Jordan demonstrate, chapel is often a family affair.

Rupe, launching the sleeve from my coffee cup to the other side of the room. But I must say, he had excellent form.

Kate and me in Forgiveness class.

This is Monte. At one point I realized that my camera was missing only to discover that Monte had swiped it and was snapping pictures down the front of his shirt. Oy vey.

But how serious can any class be when Dr. Phil is in charge?

Yeah, yeah...I know he's cute and he makes you want to bundle him up and take him home with you. But then you have to feed him and water him, take him for walks, get him house broken, scoop up the messes he leaves in the yard...

When Itsy and Bitsy decided to go on a four-day hunger strike this week, I threatened to replace them with this guy - a hairless rat that's for sale at PetSmart. Though he's trying desperately to avoid the paparazzi in this picture, he's actually quite personable.

He's got an interesting sort of charm about him, huh?

But I decided to keep the hamsters since I had already signed them up for the hamster races this weekend. Here we see the girls with Morgan and Hannah, their official "handlers" for the day. Check out the woman in the background with the bullhorn. I need a job with a bullhorn. I wonder what kind of job would require large groups people to listen captively while I talked into some form of amplification device for, like, an entire morning at a time? Hmmm...lemme think...

The girls stayed limber in their holding corrals (aka shopping baskets) while we waited for the races to begin. At one point, Itsy got so jazzed that she busted out of her pink ball, but she quickly realized that she was in the land of giants and voluntarily re-entered her ball.

Look at tiny little Bitsy on the end. How, I ask you,
how were my little girls suppose to keep up with those enormous rats?? (Yes, they really were rats.) Still, the girls brought their mighty fighting spirits and each came in 2nd in their individual heats.

And like all great sporting events, it was followed by a trip to Dairy Queen.

Don't worry, the racers got a treat, too. This hamster "candy bar" should keep them busy for a while.

This is my new Sunday morning "home" - the First Baptist Church in Iowa City, just across the street from the University of Iowa campus. Imagine that...a divorced woman preaching in a Baptist church. And not just any divorced woman, but
me. God's humor, huh? It means that I spend three hours on the road each Sunday, so even when I'm not traveling, I'm still traveling. There is, indeed, no rest for the wicked, my friends.