Matt and I always go to chapel early on Wednesdays because we love to listen to the choir rehearse before worship begins. It's our favorite part of the week.

I mean, isn't this the face of joy??

It takes an act of God to get everyone to simmer down so chapel can begin, and professors are the worst.

Here's Kelsey with Skip (Assistant Dean of Seminary Students) who isn't nearly as clueless as he looks in this picture.

Sure, Kevin looks cute as a button when he's standing next to Kelsey...

...but he's actually a maniacal double-fisted pastry eater with a ziploc baggie full of cash shoved in his armpit.

The backpacks sit so patiently while the Presbyterians have lunch. They're like children waiting to be picked up by their parents after daycare.

This week's activity at Tables - racing to see who could finish the placemat puzzles first. Past experience has shown that we can't be trusted with MadLibs.

Snapping surprise pictures of Matt isn't nearly as amusing to me when they actually come out good. I don't know why he puts up with me.

Les (Professor of Discipleship and Teaching) is an all-around cool guy and TOTALLY the bee's knees even though he threatened to take my camera away from me for using flash photography in the middle of his lecture. (But I'm sure he was chuckling on the inside.)

Each month the Company of New Pastors meets for dinner at the home of Bonnie Sue Lewis(Professor of Mission and Evangelism). One of the highlights is getting to play with her dog, Jessie. He's such a good doggie that he almost makes me want to get a pooch of my own. But then I get over it.

I'm finding that one of the joys of carrying a camera with me everywhere I go is that I often find "surprises" when I download the pictures each week. For instance, I didn't take this completely flattering picture of Ryan...

...nor did I take this picture of Gary (although it's a keeper!)...

...nor did I take this picture snapped by Shakey the Cameraman. I suspect that Matt is the prankster behind these candid shots, but since he's taking them with a hot pink camera with a sparkly wrist strap, who is the joke REALLY on??

Apparently this series of pictures is an ode to the tongue.

God calls all kinds.

Even without knowing what Gary and Matt are talking about, I am entirely positive that this conversation is completely decent and in order.

The best part of the week was a surprise visit when my BFF Barb came tripping through town. Not only were Barb and I roommates for two years, we even shared the same bathroom and occasionally - though entirely unintentionally - the same towel. Barb is proof that there is not only life, but JOY after seminary!