You surely notice a sparseness of photographic evidence that Week 7 actually occurred. Here's the thing...
At the end of Reading Week, I did, in fact, drop the hot pink camera in the parking lot at Wendy's (or, as my family calls it, "the fancy place"). After Tryg (my brother - see pics below) and Brandee (sister-in-law, see other pics below) sat in Wendy's sweating bullets because I was letting Emma and Josiah run loose all over "the fancy place" with my camera (they were so sure one of the kids would drop it), Auntie Dawn ended up being the destructor of such a nice looking, spunky little pink camera. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth! Okay, not really. Mostly just some gasps of horror and, if memory serves, a "Smooth move, Exlax!" from Tryg (oh, junior high, how we miss you). But to its credit, the spunky pink camera did come apart with amazing
pinache when it hit the pavement. It had attitude and flare until the bitter end!
So no, there aren't really any pictures of Week 7. It seems an interesting bit of biblical irony that Week 7 would end up being so incomplete when the Apostle John wrote his Gospel in cycles of 7 since 7 is the number of God's completion. All I have to say about that is clearly Christ's beloved never owned a pink camera. But here's the thing...
Some of you were so despondent over the death of the spunky pink camera and fearful that this little pictorial journey might come to a grinding halt that I have been
gifted with a new camera!! Now I know what you're wondering - you're thinking to yourself, "...but is it
PINK!!!! I mean, is there any other kind of camera?So we're back in business - me, Itsy and Bitsy, and our new pink camera. (You might be interested to know that hamsters are actually much more resilient than pink cameras when dropped. You can drop hamsters over and over again, but a pink camera you can only drop once. Anyhoo...)
So come on back next week for another chapter in our plucky little journey! Oh...and thanks for the new camera!